Good afternoon my fellow bloggers and readers of blogs, my name is Adam and this is my first official ranttastic attempt at a daily dose of nonsense (thanks for the idea T). So yeah, it's a hot day today but anyone that's been outside knows this already. You may ask yourself why it matters to me that it's hot when I obviously must be within a building given the hints that it's still before 5 PM on a weekday and I'm at a computer.... well, yes, I am at work but given that it's approaching the 15:30 hour I eventually need to leave this place.
So yeah... other than it not being cold enough for me, today has been a wonderful day.
For the first time ever I own a refrigerator of my own. The nice people that sign my paycheck gave me a brand new one with an exercise bike FOR FREE. I'm very thankful because the fridge that my roommate Alex and I are using doesn't have edequate sealing or any shelves. The only downside is that I have to take the things home today which means that I have to a) wait until after 17:00 to have it loaded into a truck, and figure out how the heck I'm going to get it out of the back of a pickup truck and into my house.
I have an idea! FRIENDS! Yes, the little people that I spend my time with. I don't consider them "little people" by any other means than their height and builds. I know some small people. If I gather the entire pygmy army together it should be no problem.
I'll pay them in IOU tickets for future cold beers!
Hmmm.. this reminds me... it's Friday night and what better way to kick off the eve of TWO DAYS OF NO WORK than to crack open a nice cold brew. Now that I'm going to have shelves, I can organize the storage of my favorite frothy beverages. Mmmmm... Delirium, Hamm's, Pabst Blue Ribbon (bottles, son), Miller High Life and if I can find it... STONE RUSSIAN IMPERIAL STOUT. *GLEE* But guess what else kids?? I'll have freezer storage for HARD LIQUORS! Muahaha.
So onto less important yet signicant accomplishments.
I started getting out of the house to participate in solo exercize activities. For the last couple of days I've gone running/jogging/walking at least two miles. I did it backwards and kinda jacked myself up by going 5 one day and then 2 the next. If I stayed at 3 I might have been okay. Today I'll walk at least two. I've pretty much been in a horrible physical condition and not fit enough to swim as I'd like or lift myself up enough to do Parkour or Capoeira.
Yes folks, eventually I'll be participating in regular Parkour and Capoeira... two things that really make me excited!
Blah. This rant has made me tired. Until next time.
*Tag* T-Bone, you're it.
Sketch study.
13 years ago
1 comment:
since you have a fridge i think you should make a sincere effort to cook for yourself! you boys eat out too much.
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